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Her Night with the Duke - First Chapter Impression

I've never read Harlequin type romance books before, because they seemed too cheesy for me. But I'm trying to get out of my usual genres, so I thought I would give it a try. Thanks to Goodreads’ newsletters, I’ve come across a series with a plot that seemed interesting enough: Her Night with the Duke from Diana Quincy. I’ve only read the first chapter so far, but I wanted to write my first impressions.

The Duke is exactly how I would’ve imagined him so far. Very open about his sexual preferences in his interior monologue, but a gentlemen on the outside. The lady that he encounters surprises me so far. She isn’t a damsel in distress like I’ve always presumed they were in these kinds of books. She’s very strong minded and can perfectly defend herself from unwanted attention. As for the story, it seems to be already leading towards a one night stand between this lady and the Duke, but I have no idea at this point how they would stay in each other’s lives after that night since she’s a complete stranger he meets on his way to somewhere.

The writing style is exactly how I imagined it would be so far. It describes everything in a very poetic way and doesn’t shy away from describing the physique of the women. It also won’t shy away from describing the sexual acts. There hasn’t been any in the first chapter, but the Duke did imagine a little something about his mistress that they described a bit more than you would usualy find in a fantasy book for example. It’s not a writing style that I’m used to, but I’m sure it’s a style quite appreciated by avid readers of this genre.

After reading only the first chapter, I have to admit I am intrigued at where the story will go. The lady that the Duke has met really surprised me in her ability to defend herself and her strong mindedness. I was not expecting this from a romance novel.

I’m going to try something new with this book. I am going to try something like a book club. I will read 8 chapters per week, for a total of 32 chapters, and will report back here with my thoughts on each chapter. You can join along and share your thoughts on the 8 chapters of the week too! Here’s a schedule to give you an idea of when you can expect a review:

November 25th: Chapters 1-8

December 2nd: Chapters 9-16

December 9th: Chapters 17-24

December 16th: Chapters 25-32 (Chapter 32 being the epilogue)

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