In the last season of The Last Kingdom, we follow Uhtred as he is thrown in every direction to help everyone. He starts by going to save his daughter from Brida, he must then hurry to Mercia to be at Aethelflaed's side during her last moments. Following her death, he returns home only to find out that the Queen had been murdered. He then has to hurry and investigate before King Edward and his daughter's husband, Sigtryggr, go to war. After stopping the battle, he is then finally able to find Brida for a final face-off. After all these events, Uhtred feels the need to return home to a peacefull life, but when he learns of Aelfwynn's kidnapping and where she is, he enters a battle one last time to save her and regain his birthright, Bebbanburg.
I really enjoyed all the different plots in this season. There was a lot going on and I felt like poor Uhtred didn't have a second to breathe, but everything fit so well together. Each plot seemed to be irrelevent to one another, but the more the season went on, the more you learned that they all connected somehow. Because Brida attacked Sigtryggr and Stiorra's village, and because they didn't receive help from the Saxon's because of Aethelhelm's schemes, it made them resent the Saxon's, and refuse to obey to King Edward anymore. Which, in turn, made it so that when Sigtryggr learned King Edward thought he was the one that had ordered the Queen's death, he was quick to attack.
Then we have Aethelflaed's death, which gave King Edward the opportunity to seize Mercia as his own, instead of letting Aelfwynn reign like his sister wanted. This led to Aelfwynn running away and getting kidnapped by Aethelhelm in a ploy to get the help of the Scots King in defeating King Edward. This enabled Uhtred to have one last chance at defeating his cousin and reclaiming Bebbanburg for himself and his family to thrive.
There were sadly many deaths in this season that I wish hadn't happened. I understand why they happened, but oh did I cry. Almost every episode made me cry like a baby. I was also very frustrated at King Edward's stupidity and how the actor portrayed him. I don't know if it was how the directors wanted him to act, or if he's just a bad actor, but King Edward couldn't for the life of him show any emotion. He just always had a blank, empty look on his face no matter what was happening. He sometimes had emotions in his voice, like when he got mad, but you couldn't tell on his face. If I had been watching without sound, I would never have been able to tell that he was mad.
All in all, this season was magnificent. It's actually the first time, I think, that I have felt so satisfied by the last episode of a series. We got to see most of the main characters that we hadn't seen in a while, we got some kind of closing for all of them. We also got satisfying endings to all the plots of this season and they managed to not leave me wanting for more while still leaving some possible story lines to pursue if anyone were ever to do something more with this series. I simply don't have enough words to describe how good the last episode felt. This season definitely deserves a huge 5 out of 5.