I have always loved to read because of my mother. She was an avid reader and passed her love of books to me at a young age. Once I was old enough to read the same books she was, I started devouring them. Because of that, I was influenced by her taste and, so, I started preferring to read fantasy novels. I have barely touched a novel that wasn’t part of the fantasy genre. I would sometimes make an exception for sci-fi books, since they’re close in their otherworldly stories. But anything that resembled too much like our world, I wouldn’t touch it. Especially detective novels.
One day, though, my mother came home with a book
called “Le Cycle” by a french author, Éric
Amsellem. It was a detective novel, but my mother assured me it was a good read. Full of
skepticism, I started reading it. Little did I know, this book would unlock a curiosity and willingness to try reading outside my favorite genre.
This book was such a surprise to me. I was sure I wouldn’t like it. A book set in the real world about a detective trying to solve a murder? The only book of that kind that I thought I would enjoy eventually reading was The Davinci Code, and only because I had seen the movie. But I was caught off guard when I started really getting into the story. Trying to find clues that the detective might have missed, solving puzzles at the same time, or even before, he did.
The one thing that made me really love this book and leave an impression on me, is the fact that the ending was a huge plot twist. I was used to being able to predict where a story was going, whether it was in a book or a movie. But this book really threw me for a loop. With all the information I had been given by the book, with everything I had been suspecting, absolutely nothing had hinted to me at who the killer was. It was a complete shock.
I have been wanting to read that book again, now knowing the outcome, to see if there were clues that I missed. I had actually forgotten my mom owned the book until she gave me her collection. I remembered reading it, but I thought it had been a borrowed book, and since I didn’t remember the title, I could never find it to buy it for myself. I was so happy when I saw it in the boxes my mother brought me. Now that I have it in my possession, I will definitely find the time to read it again.