The story follows a young Gascon named D’Artagnan, who travels to Paris to become a Musketeer. Since there was no room in the Musketeers for now, the King asks Tréville to place the young man under the King’s Guards of Monsieur D’Essart. While being a guard, D’Artagnan becomes friends with the three inseperables: Athos, Porthos and Aramis. After seeing Madame Bonacieux for the first time, D’Artagnan quickly falls in love with her and blindly helps her out in a quest for the Queen. This quests makes him an ennemy to a cunning women, Milady, who has many secrets of her own. D’Artagnan then lives a series of adventures in his search for his dear Constance who’s been kidnapped.
This story is filled with intrigue, laughter and romance. It is such a classic that even people that haven’t read this book know of the infamous Athos, Porthos, Aramis and d’Artagnan. I love how the characters aren’t romanticized. They each have their strengths and their flaws. We get to learn about their caracter and love certain aspects of them, but hate others. For example, I love how Porthos is always joking around and how he’s a bit stupid at times. But I very much dislike how he uses his mistress for money.
By making me live many emotions while reading it and making the characters as real as can be, this book merits a 5 out of 5 from me!