The story follows two very special individuals. One is Doro, a man that can take over any body he wants. He can take possession of a body, killing it’s original host in the process, whenever he wants, but he also needs to change body after some time. If he doesn’t, his soul will possess the closest body without him choosing who it is. The second person is Anyanwu, a woman that can change her body however she wants. She can become a man of the color of her choice, a woman of the color of her choice, she can even become an animal. She has complete control of every cell in her body. Each of these abilities makes these two immortals. Doro finds Anyanwu and convinces her to come to one of his settlements and breed with other people that have other kinds of powers.
The story picked my curiosity from the beginning. I was quickly curious as to how the relationship between Anyanwu and Doro would develop, what they would do. It's not a very quick paced story. You basically follow the life of Doro and Anyanwu once they've found each other. There are moments where I was sitting on the edge of my seat, quickly reading to see what would happen next, and there were other moments where I was slowly reading their day to day life.
I really enjoyed Anyanwu's character. How she would do anything to protect her family, how she took pleasure in learning how to transform into something new. Another one of my favorite characters was Isaac, one of Doro's sons. He was so lighthearted, honest and innocent. It was a good contrast of personalities between his goofy self and Doro and Anyanwu's seriousness.
I give this book a 4 out of 5. It was a very enjoyable story, but it lacked a little bit of action for my taste. I'm still going to read the rest of the series because I'm very curious about what's next for Doro and Anyanwu.