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First Workout in Forever!

In 2013 I gave birth to my son. Back then I was 20 pounds over what I was before pregnancy, which wasn't a big deal at all. I had all the plans to start taking walks, to bike, everything to lose the weight and get back to my pre-pregnancy weight. The problem is.. I'm lazy. On top of that lazyness, I learned in 2015 that I had depression and anxiety, which doesn't help at all in being motivated to move.

It is now almost 8 years later, and a second baby, and after flirting with the end of my healthy weight range, I am now officialy overweight. Well, I've been overweight for the past at least 5 years, to be honest. I've been wanting to lose the weight for so long. I don't like my body. At all. I also want to be in shape for my kids. I want to be able to go out and do things with them without hurting for the next week afterwards. I want to be healthy to live as long as possible for them.

So this year, I've made the very cliché resolution of losing weight. I've taken that resolution I don't know how many times and I've always found the tiniest excuses to not move. Even this year, I hadn't moved until today. But no more! I am going to get back to a healthy weight. I am going to be healthy again. I will be able to indulge in my favorite junk foods and not feel like I've gained 10 pounds from it.

I took my first steps today

It's not a lot for 30 minutes, but considering how lazy I am, how not in shape I am, and how my baby girl barely ever sleeps, I'm pretty proud that I got that walk in. My plan is to start walking three times a week on my treadmill, and outside when it starts to be warm out. When I feel like I can do 30 minutes more easily, I'll start the Couch to 5K program again. I did it 6 years ago but I've lost the progress I made back then. I also need to take care of my diastasis recti. This stupid problem has prevented me from working out sooner because I was scared of hurting myself. Now, I found Hannah Bower and her core program and will start following that as well.

I'm sharing all this in the hopes that it'll keep me accountable. I'll share my progress when there is progress. I not only want to do this, I HAVE to. For my own health. Wish me luck!

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