If you refer to my previous post about my weight loss journey, you’ll see that I was very demoralized. I wasn’t motivated to workout and everytime I did, it just didn’t make me feel better and I was just in pain afterwards.
At the end of the year, I decided to buy myself an exercise bike. I figured that this would be better for my motivation since, even though I didn’t feel like working out, at least I would be sitting. I tried starting to workout immediately, but since I don’t know anything about using an exercise bike, I failed my first try at getting back into working out. My knees hurt really bad. So bad that I couldn’t get back on the bike for the rest of the week and had a hard time walking. I read up on why this would happen and found some possible solutions. Sadly, the holidays took over and I didn’t have time to workout for the rest of December.
In January, I adjusted my seat to be higher so my knees wouldn’t bend as much while pedaling, and I augmented the resistance of the wheel. With those two adjustments made, I was able to do my three 30 minutes workouts during the first week. I was so happy and proud of myself. I started the second week strong with my first workout, but then my periods started. I was able to do a second workout, which was a first for me since I usualy throw the workouts in the trash during my periods. Sadly, I couldn’t do a third workout that week because my cramps got too bad. Yes, I know that working out is supposed to help with that, but I already have a hard time motivating myself on a normal day. I’ll tackle working out while on my periods when I’m more in a good routine. The next week, I only did two workouts again because my in-laws paid us a visit. They slept in the room where the bike is, so I couldn’t workout while they were there.
Sadly, that last break got me completely off. I did not get back on the bike until the end of February. And even then, I only did one workout during the week. Ever since then, I’ve been trying to get back in the routine, but it’s taking a lot of effort. I did another one workout week during the first week of March. But now, I’ve managed to do two workouts per week for the past two weeks. I’m slowly getting back in. I need to try shutting off my brain on multiple occasion before successfuly getting on the bike, but I manage. I’m sadly not in a mental state right now where I get the same kind of satisfaction after the workout so it’s even harder getting motivated to get it done, but I need to do them. My weight seriously a problem that I need to fix.
I’m proud of myself for pushing through and managing to workout, even though it’s a very minimal amount. At least it’s better than not doing anything.