Hubie Halloween follows a quirkie guy, Hubie, as he plays his given role at Halloween. He goes to the local school to inform everyone of the dangers of Halloween and how to be cautious while out on that night. On Halloween night, he puts on his monitor sash and starts patrolling the streets to keep everyone safe. As he patrols, we start seeing people be kidnapped. Hubie tries to get the police involved, but since he is known to overreact, the police doesn't believe him.
The premise of this movie is quite interesting. A guy that is easily scared and bullied by everyone in the town, decides to protect everyone on Halloween night. I'll have to be honest and admit that I have no clue why he does that. If it was explained in the movie, I did not catch it. I enjoyed watching Hubie run around the town to try to catch the killer, but everytime someone else got kidnapped. It was a bit obvious what was going on, but I don't think it was ever supposed to be a big reveal at the end who was kidnapping everyone. If it was, well they failed haha.
The movie seemed to want to do over-the-top characters with exagerated personalities and it really worked. The whole horror movie/comedy movie ambiance was really good and I enjoyed that. Sadly, the one thing that made it simply impossible for me to fully enjoy the movie and completely pay attention to it, was Adam Sandler's choice of accent. I get he wanted to make a character that seemed a bit dumb and that's why he was bullied, but did he really have to make him talk like that? I couldn't understand a single thing he was saying!
Sadly, as much as I wanted to like this movie, because I really enjoy Adam Sandler's acting, it was a big miss for me. The plot was such a good idea, all the acting was great for the sort of experience they wanted to give with this movie, but the fact that I could not understand a single word Hubie was saying, just ruined it for me. This is going to be a 2 out of 5 for me.